Your toilet is one of the most commonly used fixtures in your home. Once it’s clogged, it will result in lots of discomfort and frustrations. The flush may not be working. The drains are gurgling and emit a foul smell. Or your bathroom floor may be flooded. Very few people think of how toilets function. This often results in a blockage or clog. Below are some tips to fix a blocked toilet.

Common Causes of a Blocked Toilet

The first things we have to know are the roots of why your toilet is clogged. This is to ensure that future problems can be avoided. Among the common causes of a blocked toilet are:

  • Clogged Drains. Drains are prone to blockage and clogging. Hair, foreign objects, paper, and waste may accumulate especially when the drain system is too old.
  • Collapsed Pipeline. An old pipe system or toilet can result in broken pipes or leaks. This technically weakens the water pressure causing non-movement or a slow septic system.
  • Hard Water. Most households are not aware of the difference between soft and hard water. Some locations supply hard water among homes. Hard water contains a high amount of minerals. They can calcify and restrict the flow of water in your toilet.
  • Low-Flush Toilets. These types of toilets are typically installed to keep the water bill low. Unfortunately, the low water pressure has too little power to push the waste down to the drains.
  • Low Water Supply in the Tank. Your toilet needs enough water to push the waste down. The tank should be full when used.

Tips to Fix a Blocked Toilet

There are several ways to fix a clogged toilet. You can easily do them yourself or hire a blocked toilet Sydney plumber depending on the severity of the blockage.

  • Baking Soda and Vinegar. Non-toxic household ingredients can be in the rescue if you don’t have tools to fix a clogged Put one cup of baking soda on the toilet ball and wait for 15 minutes. Pour two cups of vinegar slowly to cause bubbling. Wait for another 15 minutes to flush the toilet. If you notice that the clog isn’t cleared completely, repeat the process one more time.
  • Use a Plunger. A flat plunger works best on toilet drains and showers. While a plunger with a flange is perfect to unclog toilet bowl drains. Position the plunger in the toilet bowl. Push it down gently to get rid of the air pressure. Once, the plunger is sealed, pump it hard upward and downward maintaining the seal. Do this around 15 to 20 times. Afterward, pull the plunger out. If you see the water rushing down the drain, you’ve already fixed the clog.
  • Use a Plumbing Snake. Another handy tool to fix a clogged toilet is the plumbing snake. Position the head of the plumbing snake in the toilet bowl. Slowly turn the handle clockwise. If you feel resistance, wind the snake back counterclockwise. Flush the toilet to check if the clog loosened. Repeat the process until the water flushes easily. Choose a plumbing snake with a rubber coating. This is to protect the toilet’s porcelain against damage or scratch.
  • Use a Wet and Dry Vacuum. A unique way to fix a clogged toilet is by using a wet and dry vacuum. Never attempt to use a regular vacuum to avoid electric shock. It is recommended for you to use hand gloves because you’ll need to hold the vacuum hose inside the toilet bowl. First, vacuum the water out. Then, place the vacuum hose inside the drain. Wrap it with an old towel to create a suction for pulling the blockage out. Turn the vacuum on while holding the hose firmly. Once you’ve pulled the obstruction, clean and sanitise the vacuum.

If you have tried all the above tips and failed to fix a blocked toilet, it’s now time to call a professional plumber.
