When choosing a home, buyers tend to focus on the most important things: the location of the house, the landscaping of the yard and the layout of the apartment. Of course, all this is very important for a comfortable and happy life.

However, the convenience is affected by many other little things that few people think about before moving. JBL developers of the Commodore condominium discussed the unobvious details on which the comfort in the residential complex depends.

– Let’s start with the yard

Everyone knows that the adjoining space should be closed from cars and strangers. What other improvement parameters should you pay attention to?

The anti-traumatic tartan coating will be a big plus. It is used in playgrounds and sports grounds in modern courtyards. This solution will protect children and outdoor enthusiasts from broken elbows and knees.

However, this is not the only advantage: after walking in the tartan area, clothes and shoes remain relatively clean. This means that the front ones will also be cleaner, because residents will not bring dirt and sand into the house.

By the way, a courtyard closed from cars can sometimes bring inconvenience. For example, when you return home with heavy things and cannot drive directly to the front door. That is why in its new residential complexes developers are designing all entrances through: it will be possible to get home both from the street and from the yard.

– What should be the halls and front doors?

Entrance groups should be transparent, light and spacious. If the premises are clearly visible, even small residents will be able to safely enter the entrance, returning from walks or classes. In addition, neighbours will not hit each other with a door due to the fact that they did not see the person standing on the other side.

JBL Developers designs transparent entrances in all modern residential complexes. Also, large mirrors are installed in the premises, which visually expand the space. In addition, the walls of the halls are often decorated with paintings that continue the theme of the project.

– What additional options should a comfortable home have?

Firstly, storage rooms on the first or basement floors will be a big advantage. It is convenient to store sports and seasonal equipment, tires and other large items in such rooms. This will also allow you to unload the apartment, and equip the lounge area or even a small office on the vacated balcony.

Secondly, it is desirable to have bicycle parking in parking lots and in yards. Now people are increasingly moving around the city on two-wheeled vehicles: it is more environmentally friendly and healthier. To use bicycles and scooters every day was convenient, you need infrastructure.

– What should be in a residential complex for a comfortable life with children?

In addition to the tartan coating experts mentioned earlier, a barrier-free environment is important. If the entrance to the house is not at ground level, it is necessary that each front door has ramps. Elevators, of course, should be even in low-rise buildings.

For example, in “The Commodore condominium by JBL Developers”, they are in every front door, although the height of the buildings in the project is only 4 floors. Moreover, you can even take the elevator to the first floors. All this provides comfort not only for parents with strollers, but also for the elderly.

– What should dog owners pay attention to?

In modern houses, there are special places for washing paws, located in the front doors, right at the entrance. Here, pets can “take a shower” to enter the house clean and fresh. This will keep order even in the rainy season.
