Furnace filters play vital role in the entire system. The ensure quality air by removing dirt and contaminants from the air. However, an issue with the filters could cause severe issues, including health-related ones. It is crucial to recognize any sign that could mean your filters have an issue to help you avoid costly expenses and health issues. All furnaces have filters that filter the air you breathe. They trap dirt, dust, pollen and contaminants from reaching you. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize when these filters are not working efficiently to save money, time and maintain good health. The following are warning signs that your filters are clogged.

High Energy Bills

When furnace filters are clogged, the system works extra hard to produce the same results. That means it needs more energy to perform well and meet the desired temperature levels. Increased energy usage means more energy bills. Therefore, if you notice spike in the electricity bills, it could mean a problem with the system. The main culprit is clogged air filters. Ensure the filters are cleaned to eliminate this problem. 

Poor Heating

Poor or uneven heating is also another warning that your furnace air filters could be clogged. Heated air cannot properly distribute through the ducts when air filters are clogged. Remember, even high quality filters clog due to debris accumulation. The damage that come with clogged filters could be extreme. Therefore, consider hiring furnace & duct cleaning Edmonton to rectify the issue with poor heating.


Another way you can know the air filters of your furnace are dirty if there is dust accumulation around the house. Clogged filters can cause an increase in dust and debris in your home, especially near vents. Therefore, if you notice you are using more time to vacuum or clean during winter, it may be time to clean the filters.

Burning Smells

A burning smell the moment you turn on the furnace is an indication that there is an issue with the filters. Furnaces require proper airflow to prevent overheating. However, if the filters are blocked, the system does not get enough air, hence the burning smell.

On and Off Cycles

A furnace is designed in a way that it automatically shuts off when it reaches the desired room temperature. It turns off the burners, causing it to cool down. Dirty filters can cause the furnace to overheat as excess heat buildup inside the system. Therefore, if you notice that the furnace keeps shutting on and off, it could mean an issue with overheating. This issue is mostly caused by clogged filters. So, it means it is time to clean or replace the air filters in the furnace.

Increased Allergies

If you notice the people in the house are constantly getting sick or there is a surge in allergies, it means there is poor air quality. It produces symptoms like those of asthma and allergy. Anyone in the house can get sick. Therefore, if you notice an influx in allergies, it could mean the filters are clogged.

Air Pollution

As mentioned, the work of air filters in the furnace is to sieve off dirt and contaminants from the air to provide quality air in the house. Clogged filters means they cannot efficiently filter the dirt, allowing it to pass through. In such a case, you may notice the air in your house becomes poor, leading to broad issues like dust and allergens. Therefore, indoor air pollution is another sign of dirty air filters.

Conduct Furnace Maintenance Today

These are common warning signs that there is clogging on your furnace air filters. It is normal for air filters to get clogged due to their nature of work. However, cleaning them frequently is advisable to avoid the issues mentioned.
