Well water, also known as groundwater, is water that basically comes from the ground using well drilling services statesboro ga. It is stored in a threshold beneath the ground’s surface. A well is made to tap into and provide water to a home or any establishment for use.

This is done by digging a hole into the ground and a pump in order to get fresh water for consumption. Almost every region around the world has a well and used by many citizens. It can last from 30 up to 50 years depending on different circumstances while a well pump can last up to 10 years with 24/7 emergency well pump repair bend or.

In using a well of water, there are different benefits that you can have. Well water is inexpensive and it has an endless supply of it. The water just has to be filtered and clean so that it is perfectly healthy to drink and use.

However, if there is an advantage for using well waters, there is also a disadvantage. Well waters can be contaminated. Water contamination includes that your well water can contain bacteria, lead, arsenic, chromium 6, mercury, radon, and VOCs or volatile organic compounds.

Usually, this well water contamination comes from natural sources and not from humans. To avoid these from happening or to resolve a water contamination, you will need to contact a professional or an expert to conduct an independent water test. 

It is also very important that wells are kept away from septic tanks or systems at least by 100 feet or more to avoid contamination in the event of a leak or pipe burst.

Another disadvantage of well waters is that they’re corrosive and can leach lead from pipes. If the water is corrosive, it can lead to dangerous levels of water into homes. If a person drinks this water, it can lead to different complications in the heart, kidneys, and nerves. 

The health effects caused by water lead exposure can also include impaired cognition, hearing problems, delayed puberty and behavioral problems to children. It is essential to maintain an annual plumbing inspection to your well waters to avoid these problems.

Well waters, if not maintained, can also smell and taste bad. This may happen if your well water is inside a storage tank. If your water smells and tastes bad, it is not good for consumption.

Well water can also be affected by the water shelf. The water shelf is the amount of reserved water that every place has. The water shelf is based on rain and other precipitation to replenish its supply. If there is drought, it can affect the amount of water supply and the quality as well.

You don’t have to worry about the maintenance of your well water and the problems that may arise with having it as these problems can be easily fixed and resolved if you have a regular drain cleaning and filter system or treatment system.

To know the top 3 well water treatment systems and which among them is best for you to use, check this infographic.

Top 3 Well Water Treatment Systems
